Friday, December 20, 2013


Anger is wrong.

Anger is all about me. 

Anger is about those qualities I see in others that I can’t accept in myself.

Anger is poisonous.

Anger is destructive.

Anger burns. 

Anger can take down a whole town, a whole country, a whole world with one bite.

 Anger is irrational.

Anger is unprofessional.  There are so many different ways to deal with a situation than just getting angry. 

Anger only comes out when I have lost control of my situation.

Anger is the emotion that comes up, especially for men, when we are trying to deflect getting to a deeper, more ‘effeminate’ emotion, such as fear or sadness.

Anger ruins relationships.

Anger is a waste of time.

Anger is best not seen or heard. 

Anger just starts conflicts and arguments- conflicts and arguments that I’ll come out the wrong one, because I’m too fucking worthless.

Anger is negative energy.

Anger passes the buck on to someone else.

Anger dehumanizes folks, and convinces me its all right mean to them.

Anger makes things worse.

Anger makes me deal with the real world.

Anger is the one thing in my life I just can’t show.

Anger is eating me alive. 

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