Monday, September 30, 2013


I have a problem with caffeine.  I'm not supposed to drink it, and its on a long list of things I'm not supposed to do.  I'm OK for awhile, then I hit a slump, and I need something- anything to keep me going.

Caffeine makes it all better.  Caffeine allows me to smile, to joke, to kickstart a mood into jumping and dancing around the double dutch ropes.

It makes me feel close to normal.

Until I crash.  And my adrenal glands are so fatigued that I crash hard.

This makes me want to laugh, probably because it makes me so frustrated.  I'm not talking alcoholism, heroin, a vicious coke habit.

More like a vicious Coke habit.

I don't like coffee.  Even the smell puts me off.  My caffeine of choice is in soda form.

Yesterday I had caffeine.  A glass of diet coke(12 oz.).  And I was interactive.  I was relaxed, thinking good thoughts, and also emotional about the smallest things.

And then I crashed.  became sullen, irritable, frustrated, and felt like I needed to put on a mask, to try and be the softer, warmer guy that people respond to.

Bad habit, and I should cut it out.  But when something allows mde to pull out of the muck for just a while, it sometimes makes me forget that it'll shove me down further into it right after.  

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